flies and horses

Flies and horses : is it inevitable?
There are around 600 species in France.
Why do flies and horses mix badly? Because they cause a risk of stress, infection, irritation. They annoy, and they give a bad image of places where there are horses.
Flies and horses : is this inevitable? No, of course: knowing them better allows us to live with them better.
How to limit their presence with our horses ?
5 steps to get to know them better :
- the female lays between 500 and 1000 eggs of 1mm
- the egg turns into a maggot in less than 1 week
- the maggot turns into an 8mm pupa in 1 to 3 weeks
- the nymph turns into a fly in 5 to 10 days
- the fly lives on average 3 weeks
Understand better by observing 3 things they like :
- the heat
- humidity
- the food
Limit but without destroying because they are useful : the 3 main roles of flies
- pollinate
- feed insectivores (fish, birds, frogs, etc.)
- clean up (they eat garbage)
Flies and horses : how to get out of this fatality ? Here are 6 ways to help our horses
- refresh : provide shade and ventilated spaces ... but be careful, the shade of the hedges is not the best option (see below): a well-placed shelter, a shade sail, an awning ...
- sanitize, drain: avoid mud, stagnant water (the base of hedges favors a cool but humid microclimate: this is not the favorite place for horses)
- clean : remove the dung (put them to compost, and cover the compost with straw, that will help)
- keep away : with odors that flies do not like (see the recipe for a natural repellent below)
- protect : with masks and blankets (this use of blanket should be reserved for horses with dermatitis, prevention should be sufficient for others)
- trap : yes, but be careful not to trap butterflies or bees ...
2 repellents recipes with essential oils
Preliminary recommendations :
- as always I recommend that you seek advice from the horse's usual veterinarian before any use
- to test on a very small area before applying more widely
- not to apply to areas exposed to the sun (we prefer protected areas, under the hair and under the stomach, avoiding the genitals and mucous membranes)
- to use the mixture within 1 month
the spray :
- 3/4 liter of water
- 1/4 liter of white vinegar
- a few drops of neutral bath base (it serves to promote the water-oil mixture)
- essential oils (6 drops of each) :
- Java lemongrass
- rosat geranium
- lemon eucalyptus
- tea tree
- true lavender
- clove
- lemon balm
- pepper mint
- basil
the ointment :
- 10 ml of aloe vera gel
- essential oils (20 drops of each) :
- rosat geranium
- lemon eucalyptus
- true lavender
Come talk about your ideas, come share your experience on our Facebook group !
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