
The nettle ecosystem

Who does not remember a painful meeting with our friends the nettles? ...

  • there are many varieties (30) around the world,
  • there are 5 in France,
  • the most common are stinging nettle (Urtica dioica, which has the particularity of being perennial),
  • and the burning nettle (Urtica urens, which is a smaller annual). 

The nettle ecosystem allows us to discover a whole world and its presence allows us to learn more about our soils.

Bio-indicator plant

Reading Gérard Ducerf we learn that the most common that we will see today:

  • prefers floodplain or riverside forests,
  • as well as forest edges,
  • that she also loves places modified by man: gardens, paths, meadows, hedgerows, orchards ...

Its presence indicates:

  • regular saturation with water (especially in winter): this causes a change in the state of the iron in the soil, and it is sometimes also just a sign of the presence of "dumps" for iron objects
  • too much archaic plant organic matter which characterizes a soil evolving towards a forest type soil 
  • too much animal organic matter: that's why it is easy to find nettles where there are horses, in rejection areas, near manure heaps ...

We will therefore easily benefit from his presence in a Paddock Paradise in equine permaculture: this is very good news.

Biodiversity reservoir plant

Insects, birds, amphibians and mammals form a rich and complex food web.

More than 40 species of insects

Butterflies :

  • butterfly larvae that make their nests of silk at the top of the stems,
  • butterfly that lays its egg on leaves exposed to the sun only (to find out more go see here),
  • the specific nettle moth, 
  • the mint scale which is a moth ...

Others :

  • green or black aphids which will feed the larvae of ladybugs, and the ants which raise them,
  • spiders,
  • weevils,
  • leafhoppers that suck their sap,
  • carnivorous bugs,
  • mosquitoes of all kinds: what will be a concern for us with skin-rash horses (and which explains why, in general, all horses that have a choice choose other shaded areas than hedges in summer,
  • grasshoppers ...


  • insectivorous : blue tits, warblers and other small, agile birds that will eat aphids
  • but also granivorous : sparrows, partridge, bullfinches, pheasants
  • or even herbivores : like the geese who can set up their nest there ...


In this often very cool environment we also find frogs like the green frog ...


  • the hedgehog finds snails and slugs there,
  • and the weasel finds voles there,
  • obviously the fox is not far away!
  • while rabbits, hinds, deer feel safe there ...

Preserving islands of biodiversity

Equine permaculture means understanding better and differently the role of the different elements of your site's ecosystems: so you better know why to protect nettles.

  • to enrich animal biodiversity,
  • pour protéger les biodiversité de vos cultures : un ilôt d’ortie au potager nourrit les pucerons… et protège vos plantations,
  • a handful of nettle rich in nitrogen at the bottom of the tomato planting hole protects them from mildew,
  • nettles mixed with the compost pile of manure are an excellent compost activator ...

You can continue your discovery of nettles here!

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