Plants all year round

To have plants all year round, here is a calendar to supplement and care for horses month by month.
- do not use the plants without having previously seen with the horse's usual veterinarian,
- it is advisable to start with a single plant, then to make an association only with the help of a naturopath or an informed herbalist who knows how to make synergistic associations
Grow and harvest plants all year round
Among the plants listed below you will find:
- wild plants (nettles, lanceolate plantain),
- trees (lime-tree),
- medicinal (calendula),
- aromatics (thyme).
To have plants all year round:
- you just have to observe what grows naturally,
- and then we can often cultivate others.
You can use part of the surfaces between the tracks or create an area in a corner: it's up to you to choose a place that will be suitable according to:
- plant needs: sunshine, soil type
- but also the proximity of the house or the place where you prepare the care for the horses.
=> Prepare your design well that's what it does.
EXAMPLE: calendula (to find out more see its descriptive sheet)
We can start with it because it is easy to set up.
- start by sowing a few seeds approximately 10 cm apart, in place, from April / May, in a mixture of potting soil and soil,
- then cover very lightly with potting soil, tamp and water regularly to keep the soil moist ...
- once at the 2 or 3 leaf stage, remove the most fragile plants so as not to leave anyone every 20 to 25 cm,
- water only in hot weather.
- finally, collect the flowers as they go: dry them in a dry and ventilated room away from light,
- above all, remember to let a few flowers go to seed so that you can sow again the following year.
Now is the time to take care of the liver. We will use plants with draining properties.
- hemp seeds,
- milk thistle -Marie,
- fumitory,
- artichoke,
- Black radish,
- dandelion,
- cumin…
- then nettle to remineralize after drainage
It's a month to donate herbs for the regulation of internal parasites : there are many ready-to-use mixes.
Recommendation: a coproscopy is essential to find out where the group is as a whole, and each horse in particular, because they are not all equal.
- squash seeds,
- garlic,
- savory,
- purple echinacea,
- sage,
- tansy,
- wormwood,
- santonine ...
Now is the time to take care of the the molt.
- nettles,
- dandelion,
- birch leaf,
- calendula officinalis,
- wormwood...
This time we'll take care of the intestinal flora :
- cure of bokashi (see the recipe here)
- wormwood,
- angelic,
- centaury,
- thyme,
- rosemary,
- savory,
- sage...
This time we are going to do a ” triple cure ": For the molt, to take care of any sand ingestions linked to the dryness of the slopes and for the good health of the intestines.
- linseed,
- chia seeds.
Summer period: June-July-August
In this season we will take care of the breathing comfort, of flies, of skin health and rebalance losses in minerals related to sweating.
- calendula officinalis,
- cleavers,
- lime-tree,
- lanceolate plantain,
- mullein,
- meadowsweet ...
As in January we are going to take care of liver. We will use plants with draining properties.
We will also add something to regulate the sand ingestion of the summer season by adding chia seeds.
As in April we will take care of the intestinal flora with a cure of bokashi.
As in February we will take care of the regulation of internal parasites : now is the time to do a coproscopy again.
To get into winter properly, we will give:
- derose hips,
- timothy,
- andsainfoin.
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