Wood heating 1/2

Eco-responsible housing : is it a good idea to heat with wood ?
Wood heating… we will see together some good reasons to choose this heating method andhow to make it a sustainable practice.
Why not heat with wood ? 3 reasons
- to begin with, burning plants in the garden in the open air and with an incinerator is not allowed : interministerial circular of 29 November 2011. Because it releases toxic substances for humans and the environment (fine particles in particular).
- then, do not burn quality wood or burn in poor conditions, or use defective, poorly maintained installations, this causes on the one hand a risk of pollution and on the other hand a riskof fire.
Why choose wood heating ? 3 good reasons
- first ecological :it is a renewable energy that emits less greenhouse gases. The CO2 emitted during heating is only the equivalent of the CO2 aspirated by the tree throughout its life, which results in a zero carbon footprint,
- mais c’est aussi cost-effective : it's cheap. The price of heating with wood is much cheaper than that of gas, oil or electricity. Wood is used for central or auxiliary heating. The condition for successful wood heating is to have a high-performance appliance, well suited to the need. for wood, split logs, with a moisture content of less than 20%,
- well, it's a pleasure.
How to heat with wood ? 9 common possibilities
- inserts and fireplaces,
- wood or pellet stoves,
- mass stove, rocket stove,
- log, pellet or wafer boilers
How to make it a sustainable heating method ?
Wood is not an inexhaustible resource :
- to begin,sustainable forest management must be respected,
- and we must also act, each on his own scale: design in equine permaculture makes it possible to develop sustainable solutions on your site.
In your design you can provide :
- a special afforestation area to renew your wood stockfor heating,
- but also decide to plant trees led in tadpoles which are particularly well adapted to this use. In addition, tadpole trees have many other roles that make their presence immediately useful in the ecosystem.
We will not see in this article the details of the permaculture zones but to help you locate it, zone 4, where there is very little intervention and which is far from areas frequented daily, is ideal for this function.
- for those participating in the online training the subject of permaculture zones is discussed from the initiation course (information here)
- the many roles of trees are the subject of a file available in the Facebook group (link here).
=> in the next article we will see how to make it a sustainable practice.
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