Article L1, II, of the rural and maritime fishing code : “(…) Agroecological production systems, including organic production, combine economic and social performance, in particular through a high level of social, environmental and health protection. " Agroecology is often presented as an approach seeking to develop agriculture towards greater respect for the environment and natural ecosystems. This approach takes on an ethical dimension by giving a place to man in nature, while emphasizing the respect that humans owe to the earth, to living things. |
Agroecology has for objectives soil restoration, the fight against climate change and a chemical addiction.
the three ethics of agroecology
Agroecological practices are characterized by :
adequately fertilized soils, if possible with organic fertilizers and protected against erosion by wind and water,
the rational use of water and renewable energies (biogas, solar, wind, etc.), by ensuring recycling,
enhancing synergies (breeding or associated crops),
crop rotation and agroforestry to promote diversity.
Agroecology appeals :
LThe research allows in particular to test the combination of species and their yields. It is also with the help of science that we will be able to objectify the value of the approach based on figures.
To meet consumer demand, direct on-farm sales outlets and short circuits are multiplying. Agroecology generates secure and local income, and values people and social dynamics
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